Monday, 21 March 2016

Wagon Wheel Slice Home Made

On Saturday evening we had dinner guests, which is not unusual for a Saturday but quite late in the afternoon, somewhere between shelling the prawns for entree and cooking borlotti beans for a side dish I decided to make this wonderful recipe I had recently seen on a website for a delicious Wagon Wheel Slice.   

It was 6 pm when our guests arrived, the kitchen was in total chaos as I was just into the second stage of soaking the gelatine for the marshmallow layer of this amazing Wagon Wheel Slice.  Luckily Kathy came to my rescue and proceeded to add her capable attitude to my kitchen to restore order to this room.

Wine was poured to accompany cheeses, fig pate, crackers and our very first home grown olives for the year which were now ready to enjoy.  We all nibbled and talked while I soaked the gelatine for the marshmallow mixture.  The first time the marshmallow didn't work so I threw it out and washed out the bowl to start afresh.

 I soaked the gelatine for the next attempt at marshmallow which worked out fine.  The gelatine/water mixture has to go firstly into the bowl before pouring the sugar on top.

Here is the marshmallow poured over the raspberry jam on top of the biscuit base. 

We had plenty to eat anyway starting with nibbles followed by a fresh prawn entrée.  After the main meal consisting of a mixture of delectable barbecued meats with potato salad, bean salad and coleslaw; dessert was not deemed necessary.  Kathy had brought over her home made avocado ice cream but we were so full and could only try her green ice cream.

After dinner was cleared away we sat outside with the remaining wine plus a pot of green tea with the evening lit by a big candle as it was Earth Hour (no electricity for 1 hour) talking and laughing.  The perfect Saturday night at home.

There was this amazing Wagon Wheel slice for morning and afternoon tea on Sunday taking over some for our friends claiming it was "last night's dessert".

I cannot take the credit for this recipe but certainly recommend it and for those who don't have a thermomix this recipe can easily be converted, i.e. food processor for the base, stick blender for the marshmallow with a glass bowl over simmering water for the melted chocolate (or microwave at 1 minute bursts at 80% power).

Wagon Wheel Slice Recipe        (posted by Thermofun)
  • 60g unsalted butter cubed
  • 60g caster sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 210g plain flour
  • ¼ tsp baking powder
  • pinch salt
  • 1 cup raspberry jam (approx.)    {N.B. I used 2/3 cup raspberry jam}
  • 3 tsp gelatin powder
  • ½ cup water
  • 200g caster sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
Chocolate layer
  • 200g dark chocolate                    {I used 70% dark cocoa cooking chocolate}
  • 20g coconut oil
Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan-forced. Grease a 3cm-deep, 16cm x 26cm slice pan. Line base and sides with baking paper, extending paper 2cm from edge on all sides.

  1. If using raw sugar for the caster sugar mill it at this point (while you have a dry clean bowl) and set aside.
  2. Melt butter in TM bowl 1 min / 70° / speed 1.
  3. Add sugar and egg and mix 30 sec / speed 4. Scrape down.
  4. Add flour, baking powder and salt 10 sec / speed 4. Scrape down. Mix again 5 sec / speed 4.
  5. Press mixture into prepared pan. Bake for 15 mins or until golden.
Jam layer   Spread warm base with jam.
Top layer

  1. Grate chocolate in TM bowl 10 sec / speed 9.                      Scrape down.
  2. Melt chocolate and coconut oil in TM bowl for 3 mins / 50° /speed 1.
  3. Scrape down edges and melt for a further 2 mins / 50° / speed soft.
  4. Pour melted chocolate on top of slice.                                  
  5. Refrigerate 30 mins or until set.   Stand 10 minutes

To clean Thermomix bowl:

  1. Pour a glass of milk in the TM and mix 5 sec / speed 8.
  2. Heat milk 5 mins / 80° / speed 4.
  3. Enjoy warm chocolate milk.
  4. No wasted chocolate! :)

Have you too had dessert the following day and
 is this Wagon Wheel Slice reminiscent of your childhood?

Buon appetito, enjoy Merryn xx

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Fresh Fig Pate

Summertime is when figs ripen and figs are my very favourite fruit.

At times there are quite a few ready at once and to preserve them for eating you can cook them into a pate or paste.   This method is easy, no fuss and results in a beautiful firm but spreadable delicious fig spread that lasts for up to 6 months in the refrigerator.

Fig pate spread on crackers with a slice of gorgonzola cheese

Fresh Fig Pate

1kg of fresh figs
3/4 cup water
3/4 cup of white sugar
juice and rind of 1 lemon
Firstly, slice each fig lengthwise into 6 pieces, or 8 if the figs are large.
Place these into a non stick pan with the water and bring to a boil.
Turn temperature down to a mild simmer and cover with a lid.
Stir occasionally for the next 45 minutes until the figs are soft and mushy.
Let cool then puree with a stick blender or in your food processor.
Return to pan with the juice and grated rind of 1 lemon and 3/4 cup white sugar.
Cook over a medium high heat for five minutes, stirring constantly this lets the pate develop a deep colour.  Then turn to a very low temperature for about 30 minutes, stirring every few minutes.
The colour turns to a deep brown and is done when it is of a spreadable consistency.
Turn into a loaf pan lined with non stick baking paper, and smooth top.  Cover and refrigerate overnight.  The next day you can cut the slab into smaller sections and store in airtight containers in your fridge.

See the moist texture of this
delicious fresh fig pate
that is perfect for spreading onto
crackers, pumpernickel bread
or sandwich wraps.

There is no need to remove the seeds
they add to the delightful
flavour and are visually attractive.

Remember to give some to a friend to share the joy.
Buon appetito, enjoy Merryn xx