shopping, socialising, gardening and cooking. This
weekend was incredibly full and I was frantically
melting wax from last week's honey extraction before
leaving for work. Upon leaving I absentmindedly
reversed into the driveway in my 4 wheel drive and
felt resistance, thinking that I had reversed up the
kerb rather than the driveway it took me a full
30 seconds to remember that today was
bin collection morning.
Yes, you guessed it, I reversed into the incredibly
full recycling bin and scattered it's entire contents
down our driveway and halfway in front of the
neighbour's house as well.

What a way to start the day! Luckily I had a young man with me and we both burst out
laughing and proceeded to start picking up the scattered plastic juice bottles, glass bottles,
cans and miscellaneous recycling debris. It was so funny, we continued to laugh through
the entire process, then put the bin back in place before washing up and starting out for work.
Okay, it's the second time I have done it, but that's over a 9 year period.

Yes, I did wear latex gloves, I learned that lesson many years ago when I first made a chilli sauce. That very first time I didn't bother wearing latex gloves and my fingers were pink and stung for 3 days afterwards, so please wear gloves whilst you are deseeding and chopping chillies.
Chilli and Capsicum Jam
- Makes about 3 (250g) jars of jam
- 600 g chillies, preferably red
- 450 red pepper, capsicum
- 1 kg white sugar
- 1 cup white wine vinegar
- 3 cups apple cider vinegar
- 2 tablespoons salt
- Deseed about half of the chillies, please wear latex or rubber gloves.
- Deseed and chop the capsicums, roughly chopped them.
- Place into food processor in batches and pulse until they are finely chopped
- but the seeds are still whole.
- The above process will take 45 minutes - 1 hour.
Whilst you are still chopping then place the sugar and vinegars into
a large saucepan and bring to a simmer.
Cook for about 20 minutes, you want it to thicken slightly.
a large saucepan and bring to a simmer.
Cook for about 20 minutes, you want it to thicken slightly.
- Add the salt, chillies and capsicums then simmer for another
- 30 to 45 minutes. Make the test with a cold saucer placed in the freezer.
- When you put a teaspoon onto the plate and let it sit for 2 minutes
- it should crinkle and leave fine lines. Then it is done.
- If not cook for another 10 - 15 minutes.
- Whilst it is cooking, sterilise the jars. Wash them and place the jars into
- a cold oven and turn it to 150C for 15 minutes. It is important to keep the jars hot to prevent them from breaking when you fill them with the hot jam. Pour boiling water over the lids and leave a few minutes just before they are
- needed.
- When jam is done, carefully pour the hot jam into the warm jars.
- Add the lids, and seal. This sauce will last for at least 1 year, once
- opened, store in the refrigerator where it will last many months.
Please tell me, do you like a hot chilli sauce rather than a sweet
one and
have you ever knocked over a full rubbish bin?
one and
have you ever knocked over a full rubbish bin?
Buon appetito, enjoy Merryn xx