I self consicously touched my ears to make sure my earrings were in place to discover the right one was missing!
Only another earring loving person could understand my dilemma ...

These earrings have been with me for over 15 years so I retraced my steps, walking upstairs to the fridge, then out to the car and finally started inspecting the grass where the bins had recently been resting but all to no avail.
A sweet man walked by and asked me what I was looking for then he started looking closely at the grass as well, understanding my loss. We had an impromptu conversation but after 15 minutes no earring came to light and I thanked him profusely before he continued walking into his day.
I can only hope that the missing earring is still inside my house and will find out later if this is right.
Situations like these lead to the need for comfort food.
Such as homely, classic battered onion rings.
Forget the air fryer, just go straight to the deep fryer for a burst of delicous batter and oil with the added goodness of onion.
You will instantly feel better when you snack on this feel good food. You can think about calories later, after you have relocated 👀 your earring.
P.S. Hubby found my earring on the bedroom floor when he arrived home 👍
Battered Onion Rings
Vegetable oil for deep frying
200g self raising flour
1 teaspoon bicarb soda (baking soda)
1 dessertspoon white vinegar
350ml water
Place the flour and sieved bicarb soda into a bowl.
Add 200ml water to the middle and whisk until incorporated then add the extra 150ml water and keep mixing until smooth. You may add a little more water if you like a thinner batter.

Meanwhile peel and slice the onion into 4 -5mm round slices.
Heat up your oil to approx 180C and dip about 8 rings into the batter, removing each one and placing into the hot oil.
Deep fry for approximately 2 minutes in total, turning halfway.
Drain on absorbent paper and sprinkle with salt before serving.
What is your favourite comforting food?
Buon appetito, enjoy Merryn xx