I have been absent from blogging for a few months due to a) being so busy at work, we are in one of the lucky industries that has been busy all year and b) we have sold our house which means I am busy packing every spare minute. Working, packing and cooking takes up an incredible amount of time, so blogging has temporarily been pushed aside.
Pizza Bianco with Prosciutto and Mozzarella
300g strong white plain flour
5g yeast
10g salt
350g water at room temperature
Mix the dough, either in a mixer or by hand, and knead until smooth and elastic.
The following morning, remove the dough from the fridge and leave somewhere warm, allowing it to come slowly to room temperature. Fold it a few more times over the course of the morning. At midday, oil a surface and your hands with olive oil, and line a square baking tray with baking parchment.
Remove the dough from its bowl, and stretch it out into a flat oblong. Press it into the tray and let rise for 45 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 200 or 220C if your oven is this high. Chop the prosciutto into small cubes and sprinkle over top of the pizza base. Place the pizza and its tray in the oven and bake for about 10-12 minutes depending on how hot your oven is.
Then tgake out and sprinkle liberally with the shredded mozzarella. Put back into hot oven and cook for 3 minutes, until the cheese is melted, and turning a light brown.
Remove, let cool slightly before cutting and serve with fresh rocket or salad greens.
Do you like pizza bianca and do you find moving stressful?
Buon appetito, enjoy Merryn xx