Tuesday 9 July 2013

Wild Ducks and Kookaburras

I have just discovered that the best way to be really busy at work is to start a blog.
Thinking to share my love of cooking and gardening I have been taking more photos than normal this year.
Planning to spend my spare free quiet time at work recording my different life passions and obsessions has been incredibly worth while (not only because work is busier than ever).  Usually winter months are a little slower but not so this year, which could be a good indicator for our nations' economic recovery, but not so encouraging, apparently, for newbie food bloggers.

Just last week I noticed these gorgeous wild ducks had come to visit our garden.

At first there were two ...

Then on the next day we had four ...

Then slowly but surely, we had many more!
It is delightful seeing them meander around our garden.
They love the milky thistle weed depicted in the lower left hand corner of this photograph.

Then I spotted Kookaburras on the tomato frame.

This one was only temporarily alone before he rejoined his family ...

This brightened an overcast day so much and reminds me how lucky we are to live in such healthy surroundings with the beauty of nature and flora.

Mind you, my husband weeded the milky thistle weed yesterday so I, for one, will be quite happy if the ducks now enjoy the lettuce patch :D


  1. Kookaburras are such gorgeous creatures! we used to get them on our balcony and we loved when they laughed!

  2. Yes kookaburras are beautiful, you can look at them for hours. You are lucky to ever have them on your balcony as their song will always make you smile :D
